Let’s Get Connected
In recent times we have all learned the importance of staying socially connected while we have been separated from family, friends and colleagues. However, by practicing social distancing, we have been able to remain healthy and productive, and for the most part, stress-free.
Through video conferencing, phone calls, endless emails and texts, we have been able to keep in contact and support our customers. We are a company that thrives on relationships, and even with all the benefits of today’s virtual and digital communication tools, nothing can replace being face to face with our customers. We cannot wait to be with them again, it has been a long time coming, but now it is virtually within touching distance, pardon the expression.
In the meantime, we have been swamped. We have hosted our own Virtual Trade Show, we have launched a new Turner Technologies website and updated our Turner Group APP.
Virtual Trade Show
The Virtual Trade Show was a great success, but we are looking forward to the MD&M show in Anaheim, where we will have a booth for the first time. So yes, we will get to see and bond with people again instead of screen time with Avatars.
Turner Technologies
Turner Technologies is a division of the Turner Group. We are focused on helping plastics processing manufacturers develop a roadmap for implementing leading technologies, automation, and operational practices beneficial to their business. Ultimately our goal is to help our customers achieve smart, competitive, and sustainable manufacturing.
Turner Group App
The Turner Group APP is an excellent platform for your iPhone or iPad. It offers a wealth of helpful material, including product and training information, technical data, and videos on a wide range of processes and technologies, all at your fingertips.
Please get to know our team on our YouTube channel and follow our TG LinkedIn page. We would love you to connect with us and follow us on our digital path, but more importantly, we cannot wait to meet you again in person.
Download Turner Group App (available on the Apple Store)