March 9, 2022
ARBURG’s Technology Days are Back!
Yes, the biggest in-house event in the injection molding industry is back. It will take place from June 22 to 25, 2022, at ARBURG’s state-of-the-art central manufacturing facility in Lossburg, located in the Black Forest, Germany.
For over 20 years and until the disruption of COVID-19, ARBURG Technology Days has drawn the international plastics community to Lossburg, where approximately 7,000 participants from over 50 different countries have been treated to an extra special show of leading technologies and automated applications.
This year’s event, as always, will feature over 40 machines from 14 tons to 720 tons running many innovative applications.
• Electric, hydraulic and hybrid ALLROUNDERS of all series and sizes
• arburgXworld smart factory and arburgGREENworld sustainability technology
• Applications – thermoplastic, thermoset, silicone, powder injection metal etc.
• Clean-room molding, packaging solutions, automotive applications
• Lightweighting, micro-molding, multi-component, vertical, insert / over-molding etc.
• Robotic systems / automation / turnkey-solutions
• Individual consultations with our experts for your specific application/questions
• Internal and external industry experts gave lectures and presentations
With approximately 2 million square feet of vertically integrated and automated manufacturing there is much more to see than at any trade fair.

Visitors will also be able to tour the impressive production facility which demonstrates a high level of automation and vertically integrated manufacturing while utilizing Industry 4.0 within the process.
For North American visitors, ARBURG Inc., organizes the entire trip from the US and Canada. The package includes flights, hotel, meals, and transportation.
For more information and registration, please contact us.